Pattern Group Blog

CallN for Contact Centers

Written by Michelle Lamy | Apr 18, 2019 5:37:48 PM

The USA continues to be the largest market for contact centers. Over the last five years, the telemarketing and Call Centers in the US has grown by 2.5% to reach revenue of $23 billion in 2018. In that same time frame, the number of businesses remained the same, and employees grew by 1.9%.

Almost all major surveys and studies state that “voice support” is the dominant factor in customer services. The studies also found that contact center service providers (CCSPS) will eventually need to improve customer experience and contact center performance and productivity. There is also an increase in focus on machine learning, Big Data, speech analytics tools, and cloud-hosted contact centers.

Most Contact Centers also have a 1:10 manager/agent ratio, so listening to all of your assigned agents calls all day can be close to nearly impossible and also time-consuming.   

With CallN Enterprise you can help your managers manage those calls and agents.

Below are the Top Main Features CallN can provide for your Contact Center:


1. Cloud-Based: CallN is a hosted cloud-based server, which allows anyone managing your contact center easy access from any device with an internet connection and a web browser.

2. High-Quality dual Channel Call Recording: Allows you to obtain a stereo recording on two channels. Channel 1. for the caller or callee and channel 2 for the agent or representative.

3. Sentiment Analysis (Speech analytics): With CallN’s sentiment analysis, you don’t have to monitor your agents calls to determine if the customer is happy with the service or product. First Call Resolution is also a feature to help you resolve customer issues on the first call.

4. Redaction of Payment Cards and other sensitive information (in one easy click): Keep your customer's credit card information secure, prevent data breaches, and save money by not paying fines.

5. Drag/Drop tools to Automate your Business Intelligence/Analytics: CallN’s user-friendly interface allows customers to navigate without difficulty; they also do not require IT help to get up to speed. Auto-scoring saves you time from manually scoring agents daily.

To learn more about how CallN can help your Contact Center operators address challenges in your everyday call center environment, schedule a demo Below.